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We hold an Adventurous Activity License which has been issued by the Health and Safety Executive. This is known as an AALA License. Expiry 2026. This license allows us to work with groups of people under the age of 18 and deliver technical activities. We are fully insured by Activities Industry Mutual. 


Activities available April to October:


-Gorge Scrambling

-Rock Climbing

-Mountain Biking

-Kayak Fishing

-Summit Challenge

-Shore Fishing

-Family fun kayaking. We use double sit on top kayaks. This activity is very flexible and be tailored to suit all participants

Activities available October to April (Winter):

-Bushcraft. Outdoor cooking, knife skills, fire lighting, shelter building

-Scavenger Hunts

-Ice Rink

-Team Building

-Mountain Biking

Groups Residentials and Activities:

Scaladale is a fully equipped residential outdoor centre. We have up to date facilities and equipment. Residential trips are typically one to four nights long. Our programmes are focused towards developing essential life META skills. Our activities and residentials aim to provide opportunities to increase self esteem, communication skills and enable participants to increase physical skill and environmental awareness . Outdoor activities are a catalyst to achieve so much. We can also work with schools and other providers to deliver sessions and lessons with cross curricular links. The twelve Meta Skills which which we like to incorporate into our programmes are:

Self Management





Social intelligence








-Sense Making

-Critical Thinking

Please get in touch to enquire about our residential stays and to be sent an example program.

In 2025 we will be offering:

-Youth Bouldering Squad (12-18)

-Harris Sea Kayak Squad. 18+

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01859 502502

Ardvourlie, Isle of Harris, HS3 3AB

LHYCA  is a Scottish Charity. 

Number SC 016425

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